Adoption is simply helping a child find a forever home.  The need is great in America and around the world. Children dream for the same thing adoptive parents do…a secure and loving family.

There are over 100,000 legal orphans in US foster care. Many children age out of the foster program before being adopted. There are children of all races, ages and health needs as well as sibling groups.  Additionally, there is a need for short-term and long-term foster care besides permanent adoption placements.

After years of “medically unexplained infertility”, we decided it was time to actively pursue adoption.  Adoption had always been in our hearts, but we always thought it would be after we had biological children.  We started the paper process and then Cliff deployed to Iraq.  Upon his return, we received a call that a potential match had been made.  As we watched God orchestrate all the pieces, an amazing little man was born to a strong, loving birth mom.  We are so blessed!

Several years later, we decided to begin the process again.  We completed the paperwork and then Cliff deployed to Afghanistan. Months after his return, we received a call that an expectant couple wanted to meet us.  We’ll never forget the day we met two of the most amazing young adults ever!  We forged an instant bond, and they chose us to parent their baby.  We have a positive ongoing relationship with them and their families and are forever changed by one incredible little girl!

Resources on Adoption or  Foster Care

Bethany Christian Services –

Show Hope –

Dave Thomas Foundation –

The Sparrow Fund –

ABBA Fund –

Focus on the Family – (Adoption)

Together for Adoption –

Foster and Adoptive Family Services –

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