Mission Statement

The Mission of M.I.A.2Hope Ministry is to raise awareness, provide education, and offer encouragement and support for those on the journey through miscarriage, infertility, adoption, or fostering. All donations made to our ministry go to our HOPE Grant, which provides funds for those seeking to grow their family through adoption.

What’s in a name?

Through providing trustworthy and knowledgeable support to those encountering miscarriage, infertility, or seeking to adopt or foster, we aim to take people from feeling as though they are “Missing in Action” to a place of hope.

Our use of the letters M.I.A. was purposeful.  Borrowed from the POW/MIA movement, the M.I.A. for our organization stand for Miscarriage, Infertility, and Adoption – as we realize that many who have experienced one or all of these often feel that they are “missing in action” for some part of their life.

We don’t want people to remain M.I.A. though.  Our aim is to help restore Hope…thus, the second part of our organization’s name.

Our Mission

The Mission of M.I.A.2Hope Ministry is to raise awareness, provide education, and offer encouragement and support for those on the journey through miscarriage, infertility, adoption, or fostering.

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Make a Donation

All donations go directly to fund our HOPE Grant. This grant helps families offset adoption expenses.


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Make a Donation

All donations go directly to fund our HOPE Grant. This grant helps families offset adoption expenses.


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