M.I.A.2Hope’s website recently finalized a complete makeover! Literally, every page is updated, 2 online store fundraiser sites added, more resources listed – even this blog is new! We could not have done this on our own and we were blessed to connect with Mrs. Lauren Correa who undertook this huge task and completed it to perfection!
While working through all the updates, we got to know Lauren. We saw that she’s got a huge heart for serving others and for empowering women. She provides resources, shares her faith and gives a platform for others to share personal stories about their journey through life. Much of this work is done via her online Lauren Magazine. In many ways, our mission runs on parallel tracks.
As a culmination of our website update, Lauren graciously interviewed Wendi and Cliff to chronicle M.I.A.2Hope’s history and mission. She then published the interview in Lauren Magazine. You can read the interview here.
We encourage you to check out the many unique elements of Lauren Magazine. You can sign up for the magazine to be sent to your inbox each time a new edition is published by clicking here.
Thank you Lauren for helping share our story – and those of many others who are serving our communities!
The Mission of M.I.A.2Hope Ministry is to raise awareness, provide education, and offer encouragement and support for those on the journey through miscarriage, infertility, adoption, or fostering.
All donations go directly to fund our HOPE Grant. This grant helps families offset adoption expenses.
Sign up for email updates.
All donations go directly to fund our HOPE Grant. This grant helps families offset adoption expenses.
Sign up for email updates.